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Number exports
Common terms
- RPON - Reseller port order notification
- CPON - Customer port order notification
- EU - End user
- GCP - Gaining provider (the new provider)
- LCP - Losing provider (you, as the partner)
A number export request occurs when the GCP requests to port a number away from one of your EUs. Initially, Dial 9 will receive this request as the network provider, and will then contact you as the LCP to verify the request.
The Reseller port order notification (RPON)
As soon as we receive the export request from the GCP, we will send you an RPON via email, with the details of the new provider, the number(s) that have been requested to port away, the end-user's postcode and finally, the date of the port. Once this has been received and you've verified that the details are correct, you must contact the EU and send them a CPON.
If any of the details are incorrect, you should reject the request before contacting the customer. Initially, you may reject the port request if the postcode does not correspond with the address that you hold on file for the EU, or, if the number is not in service.
If the port is to be rejected for either reason, you should reply to our email directly with either of the following rejection codes:
- Code 31 - Customer has no service with LCP
- Code 41 - LCP Installation Postcode invalid
Otherwise, you should proceed with the CPON to verify the port directly with the customer.
The Customer port order notification (CPON)
Once you have received and verified the export request, you should notify your EU as soon as possible so that they can confirm the request is genuine and has come from them.
Once you have spoken with the end-user and they have verified the request, you must get back in touch with us to accept the request.
Please note that if you are not providing this number to an EU but another reseller, the RPON process must be followed instead of the CPON.
Assuming the request has been accepted, once the numbers have been ported away we will remove them from the end-user's phone system and contact you to confirm. After this time, you may wish to speak to your customer regarding cancellation of any services, in particular if the removal of said numbers results in a non-functional service.